Find a HeartMath®Certified Coach

Do you want to transform your stress into resilience and live your life with more health, happiness and heart?

Do you have goals that you want to achieve but “something” keeps getting in the way?

Do you wish there was someone friendly, supportive and professional who could guide you along the journey you want to make?

Our officially trained HeartMath Coaches will work with you to help you learn the HeartMath system. They are highly skilled in empowering people to develop mental, physical, emotional and behavioural self-awareness and in coaching people in the HeartMath coherence self-regulation techniques.

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Working with our coaches will help you to discover who you really are, what you really want and how to Add Heart to your decisions, relationships, work and aspirations.

They can also train you how to get the most from your Inner Balance™ or emWave® biofeedback technology.

Please note that all of the coaches listed below are currently active and they keep their personal and professional practice up to date. Anyone who is not listed as a coach below, but who presents themselves as officially trained by HeartMath, may not be currently active and they many not be officially certified. As such, we cannot vouch for the quality of their services. If you are in any doubt as to the status of anyone claiming to be a HeartMath Certified Coach, please contact us at and we will help.

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Adrian Constantinescu

Adrian Constantinescu


Conscious Breathing Coaching, Personal Development, Heart Imagery, Gene Keys Coaching, Original Feeling Touch Therapy.


Certified teacher at School of Remembering (Drunvalo Melchizedek).


  • Romania, Bucharest, Constanta, Brasov, Arad, Timisoara, Craiova.
  • +40733245271

Throughout his journey through the world, Adrian seeks to bring to the consciousness of people the way in which, being in harmony with the invisible patterns underlying our lives affects our DNA, our health, relationships, and prosperity.

By gathering and correlating information from different traditions and authentic knowledge systems, one of its highest goals is to put people at hand with concrete and sustainable tools to understand what it means to live in the heart and how to build from here a more conscious life, more fulfilling and more tuned to divine will.

The research he undertakes and shares according to the principles of the holographic universe goes beyond the sphere of individual development and extends to the family, community, social and business environment.